8470 hits©Stroud Technical School Old Boys Association - 2014                                                              

Stroud Boys Technical School

Stroud Boys Technical School

                                                     Old Boys Association..Est 1938                                 

Award Winning Service

Home Page of the Stroud Boys Technical School,

Old Boys Association.

If you are an old boy of Stroud Technical, Craft, or Central School for Boys. then this is the site for you. At the moment it is under development and I am hoping for contributions. Do you have photographs, magazines, memories that you would like to share, then please let me know. Did you become an apprentice? Use your woodwork or metalwork skills? Did Technical Drawing lead you on to a career? Record your memories of the school in Downfield Lane for others to read at 'Share your memories'.

A Brief History of the Association

Stroud Craft School originated in Downfield Road, having been previously Brimscombe Polytechnic, and became Stroud & District Central School on 30 August 1910 with first intake of 81 pupils. It became Stroud Secondary Technical School at the insistence of the Butler Education Act of 1944.

All pupils transferred to Marling School when the two schools amalgamated September 1965.

The Stroud Technical School Old Boys' Association (S.T.S.O.B.A.) have retained their separate identity since so have had no new intake since 1964 but are still prospering with over 100 attending at last years Annual Dinner. Present membership of the Old Boys' Association is in excess of 320 and still growing mainly through the efforts of the Secretary renewing Old Boy contact via this web site.

Click here to view the picture gallery

Junior Cricket Team 1952 Privacy and Cookies School Badge 1908 School Badge 1965

Association Membership

A one off payment of £10 makes you a life member. Or you can pay £2.50 per year

Contact here